You are Registered!
Join us on Friday, March 3rd at 3:00 PM PT. Zoom details will be sent once we get closer! Read more about the Program below.
Where Pain Meets Purpose
6-month transformative journey, online and in-person

Live Group Calls
Six (6) months of group coaching calls with Dorcy as you make your way through Higher Purpose Mastery. These calls take place roughly bi-weekly.

In-Person Retreat
A two to three day retreat where you and a group will come together and make amazing shifts with Dorcy. Each retreat will be located in California.

Online Membership
Online access to the Higher Purpose Mastery Retreat module, where you will see past call recordings, the call schedule, and a private forum.
Are you ready to deepen your spiritual journey and discover who you really are?
Where your journey begins
Dorcy will take you on a journey to discover not only your true purpose, but help you release anything that may be holding you back from who you truly are and what you truly want.
You will take the skills you've already learned from Higher Purpose Mastery or Higher Purpose Parenting courses - and dive even deeper!
She will be your guide throughout this process as you join other's who are also on a journey of their own. This journey is dedicated to help anyone transform their life, change their perspectives, and experience themselves and others in a new light.
Get ready to uncover what has been holding you back.
Things to Know
It is the intention of Higher Purpose Mastery to assist you in remarkable, life changing ways. Here's what you need to know:
Once you have said 'yes' and successfully enroll in the program, you will gain quick access to the online membership portal. There you will find the Higher Purpose Mastery or Higher Purpose Parenting online course, the private forum, and additional resources + things to know.
There will be two virtual live calls a month. You can join any during the 6-month program and/or watch the recordings! You will be able to join up to a total of 12 calls during your 6-month membership period. You will have access to the membership area for 6 months upon enrollment.
Connect with other participants who are also on this journey. You will have the ability to ask questions and get clarity as you make your way through the program. A completely private forum site for you to be as vulnerable and open throughout your journey as you allow yourself to be.
The 2-day in-person retreat is located in Los Angeles, California. Once enrolling in the program, you will have the option to choose among three of our live events that we will be offering this year. The retreat dates are subject to change based upon availability and capacity. They will be open on a first-come, first-serve basis.
This 6-month program includes up to 12 group Zoom coaching calls with Dorcy Pruter as she will help guide the group through Higher Purpose Mastery. You will receive access to the online course and the membership area where you will see the past recorded live calls, the private forum, call dates, and more information regarding the in-person live retreat. The program includes a ticket to attend one of the live retreats.
Your roundtrip airfare/travel, accommodations, and meals during the in-person retreat are not included in the program. Those will be additional costs that you will be responsible for upon booking your trip to the retreat.
the experience
Guided Meditation
Live HPM Teachings
In-Person Retreat
Private Forum
A New Awakening
On some level, most of us wish we were more in touch with ourselves, wish we felt better about who we are, or perhaps sense that something is missing from our life. Sometimes our dreams elude us, hungering for something to change, yet not being able to manifest transformation. Maybe other disciplines have been attempted; maybe this is the first attempt to re-shape life.
It is the intention of Higher Purpose Mastery to assist you in remarkable, life changing ways. Whether you know it or not, you are on a quest to be the powerful, joyful, loving, peaceful, deserving person that you truly are inside, free from fears and untrue notions that have been running, and perhaps ruining, your life.
Meet Your Guide
dorcy pruter
For over 15 years, I have been one of the most sought-after reunification coaches in the world. I am able to help parents reunite with their children by guiding them through my core, foundational teachings: becoming the best, truest, highest version of themselves. I am able to not only help parents do this, but anyone who is looking to become the best, most authentic, version of themselves. My goal is to help guide all humans to reaching their fullest potential, so they can create the life they want and deserve.
I created Higher Purpose Mastery for anyone that wants to learn how to move beyond fear, resolve their past and create a triumphant future. Join me during this 6-month program as I will guide you during our live calls and join you during our in-person event.
Begin the change today. The new awakened you, awaits.
This retreat will allow fear to become your best friend, your personal enlightened teacher and your instant source of inner information. You will learn ways to access the deepest levels of your unconscious fears and see what they have been trying to teach you. Most importantly, you will allow fear to escort you to love rather than being an imprisoning enemy.
Ultimately, Higher Purpose Mastery is about being present, a highly connected state where you fully experience what you are doing while you are doing it. While there is no instant fix, Higher Purpose Mastery is a tool that can be utilized the rest of your life to keep you growing, evolving and becoming more of who you really are.
By discovering the inner fear-based mechanism that yanks you into the past or into heaves you into fantasizing about the future, you will be able to bring your consciousness into the present moment, the only true place of joy and peace. This retreat allows you to take that next step further and unlock your truest, Highest Self.